Resource details add generated file directory (by default, all resource directories are generated. Resources with a large number of files are not necessary and consume a lot of computing power.) Hide
Mainly for collection resources.
If all files are simply listed, the content cannot be displayed well, and resources such as picture libraries or resources with a large number of files consume a lot of system. Therefore, publishers and downloaders generate directories on demand.
1. Just click on the file directory on the details page to generate the directory. You need to edit it to the introduction yourself (helpful for searching).
2. "jpg|png|mp4|mkv" is added after clear by default, that is, if the file name or folder name contains it, it will not be displayed. You can delete or add multiple characters, separated by |.
Mainly for collection resources.
If all files are simply listed, the content cannot be displayed well, and resources such as picture libraries or resources with a large number of files consume a lot of system. Therefore, publishers and downloaders generate directories on demand.
1. Just click on the file directory on the details page to generate the directory. You need to edit it to the introduction yourself (helpful for searching).
2. "jpg|png|mp4|mkv" is added after clear by default, that is, if the file name or folder name contains it, it will not be displayed. You can delete or add multiple characters, separated by |.