₪ Welcome to Inviteshop.us trackers shop ₪

InviteShop - #To Buy , Trade , Sell Or Find Free Trackers Invites! Here you can buy private torrent tracker invites such as HDBits.org, Morethan.tv, PassThePopcorn, BroadcasTheNet , Art Of Misdirection ( AOM ) , BeyonHD , FSC , NZBs.in , Omgwtfnzbs , Karagarga , DB9 , GazelleGames , Thevault.click , Theoccult.click , Animebytes , MagicTorrents , SceneHD , TTG , Bibliotik , Redacted , Exigomusic , + more.

If you want to buy a tracker, you can see my contact information here:
Email: inviteshop52@gmail.com
My Discord: inviteshop. or inviteshop
Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/BsB4uGwVTfPD
Skype Name: InviteShopStore
Telegram trackers shop: https://t.me/InviteShQp
Telegram Username: @InviteShQp

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STICKY back-ups News


Registered User
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Oct 2, 2024
Bonus Points
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Greetings, Torrent Enthusiast,

Due to a recent increase in "leeching" (users who download torrents without seeding in return), we’ve implemented stricter measures to encourage fair sharing. As a result, our automated Hit & Run system has been updated.

Regardless of your account ratio, the system will now monitor your traffic to ensure that any torrent you download is seeded for at least 48 hours. We understand that some torrents may be less popular and might not get downloaded by others within that timeframe. However, as long as you remain seeding, our system will recognize your contribution and reward you with Bonus Points, which can be exchanged for upload traffic.

In other words, your seed will always be acknowledged, and we believe that the minimum 48-hour seeding requirement is both fair and necessary for a healthy torrenting community.

Thank you for supporting a balanced and thriving sharing environment!

BACK-UPS Admin Team
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